YouTube is still loading slower for users with ad blockers.

In-depth exploration of the issues concerning the slower loading of YouTube videos, specifically for users who use ad blockers. The article provides an explanation for the problem and recommendation for user's experiencing it.

Slower YouTube Loads Linked to Ad Blockers

YouTube users with ad blockers installed have lately reported slower loading times on the platform. This seems to follow a pattern we've seen before. In previous similar instances, users speculated the slow load times resulted from YouTube penalising ad-blocking users.

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This issue raises a valid question about technology stack updates and how they can negatively impact user experience. Recently, some YouTube users reported their videos were taking longer to load compared to others who do not have ad-blocking software installed on their devices.

YouTube is still loading slower for users with ad blockers. ImageAlt

Ad-blocking tools are quite popular among internet users who prefer viewing content interruption-free, adding to the significance of this issue. Without a doubt, slower video loading times can considerably degrade user experience, especially on a platform as heavily used as YouTube.

YouTube and Ad Blockers: An Ongoing Issue.

This occurrence is not the first time YouTube and ad blockers have had an issue. Previously, in 2018, there was a similar problem. People using ad-blocking software reported longer delays in the website’s loading time compared to others who did not have such software.

At that time, some affected YouTube users and tech enthusiasts speculated that this issue could be a deliberate move by YouTube to frustrate these users. However, YouTube denied this, explaining that it was unintentional and the result of a bug in an experiment run by the company.

Despite this clarification, it was not long before users began reporting performance issues with ad blockers once again. It echoes the current problem, making many wonder whether this is another glitch or a persistent issue that needs addressing.

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Regardless of the cause, these repeated instances have proven to be real concerns for YouTube users who like using ad-blocking applications.

What’s Causing the Slow Load Times?

The slow load times reportedly affected users with ad blockers on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. After extensive evaluations, one reason became apparent: the addition of network discrepancy checks by YouTube.

In simple terms, these checks are looking for deviations in the expected normal network performance. They are typically used to detect hacking attempts or other malicious activities. However, these checks seem to be slowing down the loading times for users with ad blocking tools.

This is likely due to the added layer of analysis these checks necessitate. As ad blocking tools go about their course of blocking advertisements, the discrepancy checks may interpret this as atypical activity, thereby slowing down video load times.

This explanation makes sense given YouTube’s relentless efforts to combat false views, click bots, and other manipulations.

Is YouTube Deliberately Slowing Down Loads?

As a consumer-oriented platform, YouTube’s primary interest is in ensuring a positive user experience. It is implausible that YouTube is purposefully penalising users with ad-block tools, as some users and enthusiasts speculated when the problem first arose.

However, it cannot be denied that the slow loading times users are experiencing could be seen as an inadvertent penalty for using ad-block tools. This issue might not be deliberate, but it clearly affects the user experience for those who utilise ad-blockers.

The repetition of these events might raise questions about YouTube's testing protocols. While their intention isn’t to degrade the user experience intentionally, the frequency of these incidents suggests need for a more robust system to prevent similar issues in the future.

Until such changes are made, users with ad-blocking applications may continue to experience these slower load times on YouTube.

Temporary Fixes and Moving Forward

While YouTube works to address the issue, some temporary fixes have been suggested to outrun the slow loads for ad-blocking users. ComputerBase, a German tech site, found that using additional software to suppress the network discrepancy checks can avoid slowdowns.

This software, like uBlock Origin, has reportedly helped some users mitigate the problem. However, keep in mind that this is a temporary fix and may not address the root of the issue.

Regardless, YouTube’s technological updates are largely out of the control of users. Therefore, until there is a resolution at YouTube's end, users might have to seek such band-aid solutions or endure the longer loading times.

However, it’s fundamentally essential for YouTube to ensure high-performance consistency for all users, regardless of whether they use ad-blocking tools or not.
