Google fires workers to fix bad search results.

Google's recent action of reducing the jobs of 'quality raters'—workers who help tweak its search algorithm—has raised questions regarding the company's motives and effects on the quality of search results. These decisions seem to be linked to their ongoing relationship with third-party contractor Appen.

Recent announcements from Google have ignited discussions about its search algorithm. Google relies on 'quality raters'—a workforce that helps optimize its all-important search algorithm by performing tests and offering feedback.

A significant portion of these quality raters were contracted through Appen, a third-party company. However, Google has made the decision to drastically cut these jobs, leaving many concerned about the potential impacts on Google's search algorithm.

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Surprisingly, the job cuts have garnered mixed reactions. Some believe that Google's decision shows a devaluation of human intelligence in refining search results. Others argue that it's a simple business call fueled by the desire to cut costs and automate where possible.

Google fires workers to fix bad search results. ImageAlt

The role of a quality rater seems trivial to the average internet user, but their contributions to Google's search function are immense. Their main job is to assess the quality, relevance, and usefulness of search results that Google's algorithmically-generated options provide.

Google's search algorithm is the premier driver behind the company's success. It sets Google apart from competitors by producing consistently relevant search results, partly thanks to the help of quality raters. Their tasks, though not widely recognized, do affect billions of internet users worldwide.

The decision to reduce quality rating jobs might have occurred in line with Google's focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies offer potentials for more automated, cost-effective solutions, which could replace the human effort that quality raters provide.

While AI has shown incredible potential in many areas, it isn't immune to errors—often requiring human oversight to correct its mistakes. So, even with advanced technology, the role of quality raters remains significant since they offer input that AI can't recreate.

Redundancies in Appen shook the world of quality raters, who face an uncertain future. These workers, mostly part-timers, now have to deal with sudden unemployment, highlighting the volatile nature of contractual work.

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Appen has long been collaborating with Google as the intermediary for quality raters. Their partnership allows Google to employ an army of raters without having to deal with aspects like employee benefits or a fixed work schedule.

With a sharp cut in quality rater jobs, questions arise about the fate of Google's partnership with Appen. Given the company's recent rebranding and restructuring, there's speculation that the relationship could be redesigning or possibly dissolving.

Reducing human workers might seem logical for Google, especially considering cut-throat Silicon Valley competition. However, it's important to ponder the potential consequences of this decision on the quality of search results.

Criticisms have been made regarding Google's previous algorithm updates, as they sometimes led to relevant pages being buried under less pertinent results. The quality raters were pivotal in identifying and rectifying such anomalies.

Omitting the role of quality raters might mean Google is confident that its AI can handle the tasks they used to perform. This could be indicative of Google's faith in its latest AI technologies, such as the advanced search algorithm BERT.

BERT claims to understand searches more like a human, thanks to its built-in neural network-based technique for natural language processing. It supposedly offers an unprecedented level of nuance in interpreting search queries, moving closer to human understanding than ever before.

However, even sophisticated AI such as BERT should be continually monitored and refined through human intervention. Without quality raters, the risk of errors and their consequences may increase—possibly affecting the search experiences of billions of users.

Google's decision indeed brings significant changes to its search infrastructure. While cost savings and efficiency may have motivated the decision, the reduction of human perspective in refining search results could impact the algorithm's effectiveness.

As things currently stand, the full implications of this decision are yet to be seen. It could lead to improvements if AI can fully take over the responsibilities of human raters, handling the complexities and errors more accurately.

Yet, there's a possibility that the absence of quality raters triggers a decline in Google search's credibility. A carefully balanced combination of human and AI-powered algorithm development likely remains the most effective way forward.

In conclusion, while Google's decision could reflect the company's faith in AI technology, the lack of human insight in refining search results could potentially affect the quality of Google's most vital feature—its search engine.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the dynamics of Google's search algorithm. With the recent changes, only time will tell if Google's gamble will pay off, bringing about a new chapter for its search algorithm, or cause a decline in user experience quality.
