A note from a regular scum lover who relishes their savings.

Understanding the controversy around and tactics of scum saving in Baldur's Gate 3, including how it's perceived by various players.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that offers a robust and challenging experience. Within its immersive world, players make critical decisions, face fierce battles, and explore intricate systems. One gameplay aspect unique to Baldur's Gate 3 and other RPGs is the phenomenon known as 'scum saving'.

Scum saving refers to the process where a player frequently saves their game - often right before or even during high-stakes moments. This strategy is adopted to allow the player to revert to an earlier state if the outcome doesn't go as desired. Essentially, it's a quick undo button, eliminating the consequences of unlucky rolls or poor decisions.

However, not all players appreciate or understand this tactic. Some view it as a cheat, an exploitation of the game's mechanics that bypasses the natural, intended experience. They argue that scum saving erodes a significant portion of the game's central difficulty and thereby reduces the sense of achievement that comes from overcoming challenges.

But supporters of scum saving point out that Baldur's Gate 3, like many RPGs, is a game that promotes and celebrates player agency. They argue that being able to frequently save and load from these save points contributes to this factor by providing more control over their gaming experience.

Much of the criticism aimed at scum saving stems from a perceived 'right' way to play the game. Those against this method believe that accepting the consequences of one's actions and dealing with the fallout is integral to the RPG experience. They see scum saving as a way to sidestep this aspect of the game.

On the other hand, proponents of scum saving argue that the 'right' way to play the game is subjective. It's determined by individual play style preferences, the personal enjoyment derived from the gaming experience, and the player's tolerance for risk and failure.

The negative connotation linked with scum saving is derived mainly from its naming, which inherently implies a sneakiness or underhandedness. This immediate negative association can discourage people from accepting it as a valid strategy, adding more fuel into the fiery debate about its place in Baldur's Gate 3.

However, scum saving isn't limited to Baldur's Gate 3. It's a common tactic in various RPGs and single-player games that allow flexible save systems. Its prevalence suggests that, regardless of the controversy surrounding it, many players find value in the practice.

Scum saving can provide a sense of security for players who want to ensure their decisions lead to specific outcomes. It provides an option for those who prefer not to leave their games' direction up to chance, especially in games like Baldur's Gate 3 where decisions can drastically impact the storyline.

Using this technique also gives players the opportunity to experiment. They can try out different strategies and approaches without fear of irreversible consequences. If the result is undesirable, they can revert back to a prior save and try a different angle. This can lead to more enjoyable gameplay for some, as they can test and explore different parts of the game.

For advocates of scum saving, it's not so much about avoiding loss or failure. It's about maximizing enjoyment and exerting greater control over their gaming journey. They view the option as an addition, not a subtraction, to the games' overall experience.

Despite its controversial reputation, scum saving can be seen as a tool, albeit a powerful and easily misused one. The character of the tool's use is shaped more by the player than the tool itself. Used with discretion and understanding, it can enhance a player's enjoyment.

Those opposed to the method argue that the game's challenges, including adverse outcomes from decisions or dice throws, are engineered to make the game more engaging. Accepting and overcoming these challenges adds to a sense of accomplishment and progression. They believe scum saving, by nullifying these challenges, takes away from the game.

But the question remains - who gets to decide the 'correct' way to play a game? Is it the game's designers, the dedicated fanbase, or the individual player? This is a central question in the scum saving debate.

Ultimately, whether scum saving is a cheap exploit or a legitimate strategy depends largely on personal preferences. Different players engage with games in different ways, seeking different experiences. Scum saving might detract from one player's enjoyment, while enhancing another's.

Indeed, the issue of scum saving brings up valuable conversations about player autonomy, game design, and the diverse ways we experience games. Rather than dismissing it outright or embracing it without question, understanding the complexity of scum saving can provide insights into the diverse ways people play and enjoy games.

The controversy around scum saving in Baldur's Gate 3 speaks volumes about the game's depth and complexity. It also highlights the diversity within the gaming community, underlining the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy or approach to gaming.

While some players find the practice of scum saving distasteful and contrary to the spirit of gaming, others see it as a valuable strategy that enhances their gaming experience. But no matter where one stands on the debate, it's clear that scum saving is a significant aspect of Baldur's Gate 3’s gameplay.

So whether you’re a die-hard opponent of scum saving, an avid supporter, or somewhere in between, it's worth remembering that how we play games is as unique and diverse as the games themselves. After all, the choice to scum save - or not - ultimately lies in the hands of the individual player.
